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"If you are having trouble understanding a concept (bis) " 2019
Vía WhatsApp L.B.C:
Es ser esponja, como hay, un proceso mimético científico.
¿cómo te conviertes en esponja?
Metodo Esponjoso
En relación a los procesos conceptuales en el flowchart. Planteando un método no solo
pensar formalmente la esponja sino un método.
(su totalidad) de pensar todo como y desde la esponja.
"If you are having trouble understanding a concept (bis) " 2019
From WhatsApp L.B.C:
It is to be a sponge, as there is, a scientific mimetic process.
How do you become a sponge?
Sponge method
In relation to the conceptual processes in the flowchart. Posing a method not only think formally of the
sponge but a method (its totality) of thinking everything as and from the sponge.
Residency program "Conditions of Work"
This project was financed by Freie Tanz- und Theaterszene Stuttgart, in
cooperation with Campus Gegenwart, supported by the Cultural Office of the City
of Stuttgart and the Péter Horváth Foundation. Stuttgart- DE
View at Freie Tanz- und Theaterszene Stuttgart.
Photos: Daniela Wolf